I’m excited to travel to Park City, Utah for my first visit to the Sundance Festival.
Location: Tweet House
I’ll be signing copies of 140 Characters: A Style Guide for the Short Form, and demonstrating Square, the revolutionary new payments system from the inventor of Twitter, Jack Dorsey.
Celebrity Tweetup for Haiti
I’ll be taking donations straight to Haiti via Square.
Twitter: Past, Present, and Future
To visualize the future of Twitter, one need only examine the lessons of history. A part of its inception, Dom Sagolla tells the story of Twitter’s humble beginnings and the lessons learned along the way.
A compelling vision for the future of short messaging concludes this talk, influenced by experience traveling across the US and abroad in recent months in support of Dom’s book “140 Characters: A Style Guide for the Short Form.â€
Monday, January 24th
Hitting the slopes of Park City with the folks from Tweet House. You’re welcome to join us!